Supporting our Local Community
The Webb Lake Men's Club mission is to help our local community by building projects, raising money for local charities, and promoting local businesses.
100+ Members Strong

Meat Raffles - Every Saturday at 3PM - Lumberjack Saloon
The Webb Lake Men's Club would like to thank the family and friends of Brandon Peer for donating $2169.00 to our club for our AED program in memory of Brandon.
Thank you Sand Bar on A for hosting the event.
Our monthly meeting is the first Thursday of every month at the Lumberjack Saloon at 3:30 p.m.
Why You Should Join
We believe charity starts at home. We work and play hard to help our local area. Our members take pride in the projects we undertake and the money we are able to give back to the community.

Powerful Fundraising
Your membership fees and support contribute to significant donations in the Webb Lake area.
Impressive Projects
From bike trails to community events, invest your time and energy where it matters most to you.
Impressive Projects
Who said building community isn't a good time? Neighbors quickly become friends at the Webb Lake Men's Club.

Our Cabinet
Steve Austin
Tom McDonough
Vice President & Lord of the Meat Raffle
Scott Tice
Secretary & Ice Fishing Committee
Gary Kramer
Mark Michel
Trail Master
Dave Cloutier
Trail Master
Steve Burkinshaw
Ice Fishing Committee
Ben Keup
Wisdom & Uncheckable Facts
Eric Lillehaugen
Wisdom & Uncheckable Facts
Ron Solomonson
Golf & Greens Expert
Lee Tischler
Golf & Greens Expert
Doug Dietz
Golf & Greens Expert
Dan Winter
Wardrobe Design & Marketing (w/Special Assistance from Robert Mullenkord
Ted Hagen
Large Picnics & Events
Dave McCann
Heavy Lifting & Bobcat
Local Donation Recipients
Salvation Army
Webster HS Performing Arts
Shop with a Cop
Burnett County K9 Unit
St. Croix Tribal Police
Webb Lake Area 1st Responders
Tiger Tech Program Webster High School
Burnett County Sheriff's Department
Webb Lake Fire Department
Regional Hospice Care
Cresent Lake Food Shelf
Burnett County Meals on Wheels
Amity Children's Horse Group
Webb Lake Cemetery Restoration and Signage
Burnett County Humane Society
Yellow River Food Shelf
Military Heroes Foundation
Webster High School Education Foundation
+ many more!
Recent Projects
Annual Webb Lake Area 1st Responders Golf Tournament
The weekend after Labor Day, the Webb Lake Men’s Club sponsors an annual golf tournament to raise much-needed money for our volunteer 1st Responders Group. This helps the purchase of critical medical equipment such as AED’s and to insure the volunteers all have needed supplies to respond to local emergencies.
Burnett County Sheriff's Department
The Webb Lake Men’s Club is a supporter of our local Sheriff’s Department. We lead a campaign to raise money for an Emergency Response Robot. This allows officers to send a robot into hostile and unsafe situations. It can break down doors and communicate with the suspect while keeping officers safe.
Shop with a Cop
The Men’s Club proudly supports the annual Shop with Cop program in December. Our local officers take children Christmas shopping.This helps children build a good rapport with the Sheriff’s Department and brings joy to the children.
Cops & Bobbers
Our club every August is in a joint venture with all the local departments - Burnett County Sheriff, Siren Police, Webster Police, St Croix Tribal Police, and the Department of Natural Resources. We host a Fishing Day at the Oak Ridge Inn on Webb Lake, where we provide the boats and food. Kids get to fish with the officers, as well.
Tiger Tech at Webster High School
We are proud sponsors of the Tiger Tech program at Webster High School. This is one of the premier vocational learning programs in the state of Wisconsin. Amazing skills are taught to a great group of next generation of entrepreneurs and skilled workers
Webb Lake Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner
The Webb Lake Men’s Club hosts an annual Turkey Dinner at the Cabaret. We provide the food for a free will giveaway as a thank you to our community.
Upcoming Events
Our events have been referred to as the "bee's knees," the "cat's meow," and most notably "the most fun you can have with a bunch of retired guys." From family-friendly events like the annual ice fishing contest, to fat tire bike races and more, we plan good-time gatherings that support our community.
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Want to Join?
If you're interested in becoming a member of the Webb Lake Men's Club, please attend one of our monthly meetings.
For general inquiries, please reach out to Steve Austin at